Międzynarodowy powszechny spis badaczy gier cyfrowychDigital Games Research Association (DiGRA),
www.digra.org, Digital Games Research Temporary Working Group of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA),
www.digital-games.eu oraz Game Studies Special Interest Group of the International Communication Association (ICA),
http://game.icahdq.org zwracają się z apelem do wszystkich badaczy gier - ludologów - o wzięcie udziału w międzynarodowym badaniu State of Digital Games Research: International Survey.
State of Digital Games Research : International Survey, call for participation
Please spread the word about this game research community survey:
Dear colleagues,
Digital games research is a young, growing, multidisciplinary field of study. It spans disciplines as diverse as arts, humanities, social sciences, psychology, design, computer science, engineering and others. This diversity and richness is part of its strength but also one of its challenges.
In order to gain insight into the views and needs of researchers working with/on digital games, three research organizations have joined hands to organize an international survey assessing the State of Digital Games Research .
Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA),
www.digra.orgDigital Games Research Temporary Working Group of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA),
www.digital-games.euGame Studies Special Interest Group of the International Communication Association (ICA),
http://game.icahdq.org Are you conducting or have you conducted research with or on digital games, then please take time to fill out the survey which should not take more than 10-15 minutes and which can be found here:
https://ghentunipss.eu.qualtrics.com/SE ... wCGauS0Xkx Also please distribute this survey as widely as possible within your personal network. The wider its reach, the more representative its results, which will be presented in the coming months.
For more information, please email
j.vanlooy@ugent.beBest regards,
Jan Van Looy, Thorsten Quandt, Malte Elson, James D. Ivory, Frans Mäyrä, Mia Consalvo