on the
Culture-Generative Function of Games
cycle, entitled:
The Civilization of Fun and Games
or the Fun and Games of Civilization?
The Role of Games
in Contemporary Culture
Poznań, 24 – 25 November 2007
The Game Research Association of Poland’s Main Board and the GRAP Centre at the Institute of Applied Linguistics of Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań have the honour of presenting the 3rd International Conference on the “Culture-Generative Function of Games” cycle. The enormous interest raised by the previous conferences, which has, so far, resulted in a two-volume publication, has confirmed the interdisciplinary character of ludology as the broadly understood game-focused studies. The two past conferences have shown games as one of the crucial issues in the contemporary reality. The most important questions and research directions are as follows:
What was the meaning of games in the past, and what is it today?
Can game studies provide new tools for exploring and evaluating our civilization?
What are the prospects for the application of games to a broadly understood education?
Would it be possible and, more importantly, justified, to create a stand-alone game research methodology?
In what direction is ludology developing in Poland and abroad?
What is the status of e-sports / e-gaming and electronic sports towards from the perspective of traditional sport disciplines?
The above issues, together with many others, which concern the position of games in science, education and culture, constitute our proposed discussion subjects. We are looking forward to hearing the voices of media experts, glottodidactic experts, linguists, theorists of literature, historians, philosophers, culture researchers, sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists, pedagogues, computer experts, economy experts, lawyers and representatives of other disciplines, including sciences. We also invite game authors and journalists.
Suggested discussion topics:
The position of games in contemporary civilization – a continuation or a breakthrough?
Game as a medium of communication between societies
Language and communication games in foreign language teaching, education, pedagogy and e-learning
Interactive narratives in games
Linguistic, literary and cultural game inspirations.
Historical evolution of games.
Entertainment / hobby / passion / addiction. Games in the individual, group and community life.
Modern technologies used in games.
New types of games and their place in culture.
The image of games in the media and public opinion.
E-sports and their place among other sport disciplines.
Ludology in Poland - the development prospects. Game research methods.
Winners and losers. Competition, victory and failure in contemporary culture.
Please submit your applications including personal information, paper title and abstract, to the conference website
http://gry3.konferencja.org. The application deadline is October 31, 2007.
Participation costs:
The conference fee (covering the organizational costs and conference proceedings) is 200 PLN; students – 50 PLN. For the GRAP members the fee is 190 PLN and 40 PLN respectively (membership fee for the year 2008 included.) Payments should be made to the following account: Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier; bank account number: PKO BP SA, Oddział 14 w Poznaniu: 39 1020 4027 0000 1902 0396 6587, with a special instruction: "Konferencja 2007". The payment deadline is October 31, 2007. Please send the payment note to the GRAP address. Conference participants may organize accommodation and meals individually or make use of recommended facilities. The conference proceedings are planned to be published.
Conference Organizational Committee:
Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer;
Dr. Augustyn Surdyk;
Dr. Paweł Hostyński;
Dr. Jan Stasieńko;
Dr. Agnieszka Dytman-Stasieńko;
Dr. Jerzy Szeja;
Michał Mochocki, MA;
Dominika Urbańska-Galanciak, MA;
Agata Zarzycka MA.
Translation: Agata Zarzycka M.A.
Proof-reading: Mairéad Mooney B.A.